indian sandstone in seagrass

How Savannah Surfaces Transformed a Backyard into a Stunning Haven

patio before picture

There’s a saying that varies from telling to telling, but most know it is “the cobbler’s children go barefoot.” Essentially, it means that those who provide the best services to others often have to wait in line like everyone else when it comes to providing that service for themselves.

Teresa Kunich of Group 5 Design is no exception. A sought-after interior designer, she has made her mark not just as a talented staging artist but also as an inspired remodeling expert. Inside and outside, she has guided countless projects to stunning fruition. But when it came to her own house, there was one project that hovered on her to-do list for decades.

“We had been in this house for 20 years before we actually started to finish the back patio,” she said. “My daughter got married and we were planning on having a party back there so we just said, ‘We should do this now or it would have to be another 20 years.”


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